Spelling Guidelines for the Orthographically Challenged


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Spelling Guidelines for the Orthographically Challenged

English spelling is a challenge

“i” before “e,” except after “c”

Retain or drop the final “e”?

Except for . . .

Retaining the “e” after “c” or “g”

Doubling a final consonant

Two-syllable word

English Dirty Trick #376

English Dirty Trick #258

When does “y” change to “i”?

Except for . . .

Retain all letters in root word

Endings to drive you crazy

Stationary or stationery?

Endings that stupefy and mystify

Good spelling: desirable and feasible

Add -ible

Some Final Advice . . .

Author: Celia Elliott

Email: cmelliot@uiuc.edu

Home Page: http://www.physics.uiuc.edu/People/Staff/Celia/