Ms. Particular's Micro-Lectures on Style and Usage
These brief “lessons” are designed to addresss common mistakes in technical writing and to administer instruction in small, palatable doses. They're all PDF files. Feedback is welcomed, but you're probably not going to change Ms. P's mind. Just so you know.
Ms. Particular Presents: Ability, Capability, or Capacity?
Ms. Particular Presents: Absolutes
Ms Particular Presents: Accord vs. Accordance
Ms. Particular Presents: Accurate vs. Precise
Ms. Particular Presents: Acknowledgments
Ms Particular Presents: Alternate vs. Alternative
Ms. Particulat Presents: Amount vs. Number
Ms. Particular Presents: Complement vs. Compliment (with data!)
Ms. Particular Presents: Comparisons
Ms Particular Presents: Compose vs. Comprise
Ms. Particular Presents: Conjunctive Adverbs
Ms. Particular Presents: Damage vs. Damages
Ms. Particular Presents: Discreet vs. Discrete
Ms Particular Presents: Detract vs. Distract
Ms. Particular Presents: Dramatic vs. Drastic
Ms. Particular Presents: The Last Word on "Due To"
Ms. Particular Presents: Envelop vs. Envelope
Ms. Particular Presents: Innate vs. Inherent
Ms. Particular Presents: In order
Ms. Particular Presents: Introductory Commas
Ms. Particular Presents: Like vs. Such as
Ms. Particular Presents: Mass Nouns vs. Collective Nouns
Ms. Particular Presents: Naked "This"
Ms Particular Presents: Optimal vs. Optimum
Ms. Particular Presents: Principal vs. Principle
Ms. Particular Presents: Quotation Marks
Ms. Particular Presents: Setup vs. Set up
Ms. Particular Presents: That vs. Which
Ms. Particular Presents: Validity vs. Veracity
Ms. Particular Presents: Hypenating Well Words
Brought to you by the Grammar Police, Celia M. Elliott, Commissioner.
All lecture materials are copyrighted by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and others. All rights are reserved.
Permission to use, copy, and distribute these materials exclusively for not-for-profit educational uses is hereby granted, provided the materials are not modified and proper acknowledgment is made of the source.