Department of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Newest talk(s)
BSQ.pptx BSQ.pdf Majorana Fermions in (p+ip) Fermi Superfluids Some Theoretical issues (27 May, 2024)
A1.pdf Superfluidity, Phase Coherence and the New Bose-Condensed Alkali Gases
A2.pdf BEC: A Tapas: of Topics
A3.pdf Introduction to High-Energy Low-Temperature Physics
A3S.pdf The "Arrow of Time" in Quantum Mechanics
A4-2019.pptx A4-2019.pdf Cuprate Superconductivity Without a "Model"; A4.pdf
A5-2019.pptx A5-2018.pptx A5-2013.pptx A5-2013.pdf 2011 version 2007 version Bell's Theorem, Entanglement, Teleportation, Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Computing and All That
A6.pdf Is Quantum Mechanics the Whole Truth?*
A6_PLUS_1.pdf A6_PLUS_1.ppt Is Quantum Mechanics the Whole Truth?* plus one slide from Paul Kwiat
A7_TCSUH.pdf A7_TCSUH.pptx Superfluid 3He: Some Pre-History
A7.pdf Nobel Superfluid 3He: Some Pre-History
A8.pdf Ultracold Fermi Alkali Gases: Bose Condensation Meets Cooper Pairing
A9.pdf A9.ppt Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: Its Successes, Its Limitations, and Its Pitfalls
A10.pdf-older A10.ppt Some Thoughts on the Prospects for Topological Quantum Computing
AB90.pdf AB90.pptx Majorana Fermions in Condensed-Matter Physics
ABlect14.2.pptx ABLect14.2.pdf What Is Superconductivity?
AC1.pdf AC1.pptx Cooper Pairing in Exotic Fermi Superfuilds - Lecture 1
AC2.pdf AC2.pptx Cooper Pairing in Exotic Fermi Superfuilds - Lecture 2
AC3.pdf AC3.pptx Cooper Pairing in Exotic Fermi Superfuilds - Lecture 3
AC4.pdf AC4.pptx Cooper Pairing in Exotic Fermi Superfuilds - Lecture 4
AIP.pdf AIP.ppt Ultracold Fermi Alkali Gases: Bose Condensation Meets Cooper Pairing
AMN5.ppt 100 Years of Superconductivity: Ancient History and Current Challenges
ANL.pptx ANL.pdf unknown title (14 May, 2021)
AP.pdf Some Thoughts on the Prospects for Topological Quantum Computing
APS.pdf Superfluid 3He: Understanding the Experiments
APS2016.pdf APS2016.pptx Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Condensed Matter Physics
APS2016-LargerWithMorePages.pdf APS2016-LargerWithMorePages.pptx Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Condensed Matter Physics
B1-2019.pptx B1.pdf B1.ppt Does the Everyday World Really Obey Quantum Mechanics
B1_QMpop.pdf Basic "experimental fact"
B2.pdf B2.pptx What Can We Do With a Quantum Liquid?
B2-GYSS17.pdf B2-GYSS17.pptx What Can We Do With a Quantum Liquid?
B3-2016.ppt B3-2016-no-videos pptx B3-2016_retyped.pptx Why Can't Time Run Backwards? (older versions: B3.ppt B3 web version B3 no-videos pptx retyped 2013)
BBCS.ppt Reminders About BCS Model
BCSL.ppt BCSL.pdf Application of BCS-like Ideas to Superfluid 3-He
BEC-BCS_crossover.pdf BEC-BCS_crossover.pptx The BEC - BCS crossover: what (if anything) do we fundamentally not understand?
BF.pdf BF.pptx Solar Flares and 'Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions'
budakian.pptx budakian-converted.ppt Observation of half Fluxoid States in Mesoscopic Rings of Sr2RuO4
BIT.pptx BIT.pdf Remarks on the Present and Future of Condensed Matter Physics(18 April, 2023)
BSQ.pptx BSQ.pdf Majorana Fermions in (p+ip) Fermi Superfluids Some Theoretical issues (27 May, 2024)
C3.pdf C3.ppt What is Realism in Physics? 75th Annual DPG meeting, Dresden, 16 March 2011
C4.pdf C4.ppt Schrödinger's Cat and Her Laboratory Cousins, 1st Erwin Schrodinger Lector, Wien, 18 March 2011
C5.pdf C5.ppt Theoretical Work on Superconductivity up to 1956
C6.pdf C6.pptx Introduction to Topological Quantum Computing, CIFAR Winter School 5, April 2011
CIFAR-2010.ppt CIFAR.pdf Some Thoughts on "All Electronic" Superconductivity
CIFAR11.pptx CIFAR11.pdf Macrorealism and "Weak Measurement"
CIFAR12.ppt CIFAR12.pdf Basic Quantum Mechanics, and Some Surprising Consequences
CML.pptx CML.pdf The Coulomb Interaction & Superconductivity in Quasi-2-D Systems (7 September, 2022)
CQ.ppt Broken Symmetry
CS.ppt Cuprate Superconductivity - The Current State of play
DBL.pptx DBL.pdf "Realism" and the Physical World
DF.pptx DF.pdf SQUIDS and Related Systems(30 September, 2022)
DJT.pptx DJT.pdf The London Moment of a Rotating Superconductor
DP.pptx DP.pdf Quasiparticles in Normal and Superfluid Fermi Liquids (more questions than answers …)
E2.pdf E2.ppt Can Superconductors Help with Energy and Environmental Problems?
FCEP.pptx FCEP.pdf Energetic Considerations in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
FP_IQC 051310.pdf Testing Quantum Mechanics Towards the Level of Everyday Life: Recent Progress and Current Prospects
FSEF.pptx FSEF.pdf What Is Superconductivity? What Is It Good For?
GYSS.ppt GYSS.pdf The Structure of a World (which may be) Described by Quantum Mechanics (2013)
IAS.pdf IAS.pptx Topological Quantum Computing: Some Possibly Relevant Physical Systems
IAS-b.pptx IAS-b.pdf Topological Quantum Computing: Some Possibly Relevant Physical Systems (2018)
IC.ppt Title unknown
ICMT.ppt Traditional Subject-matter of Condensed Matter Theory: Crystalline Solids, Liquids ...
ICTP.ppt Some (Very) Basic Questions Concerning Bose Condensation and Superfluidity
IQC6.ppt Lecture 6: The Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: The cases of v=5/2 and v=12/5
JP.ppt Quantum Mechanics in the Macroscopic Limit
JST.ppt Topological Quantum Computing/Memory
KS.pptx KS.pdf Klaus's Work on the Spin-Boson Problem
Keio.ppt 2008
LBEC.ppt 2013
LED.pptx LED.pdf Quantum Information Promises New Insight
LPK.pptx LPK.pdf Topological Quantum Computing in (p + ip) Fermi Superfluids: Some Unorthodox Thoughts
LPK.pptx LPK.pdf Topological Quantum Computing in (p + ip) Fermi Superfluids: Some Unorthodox Thoughts
LT29.pptx LT29.pdf What Makes Superfluid 3He Special? (18 August, 2022)
M2S-2015.pdf M2S-2015.pptx High-Temperature Superconductivity: Some Energetic Considerations
MM.pptx MM.pdf Some Current Research Problems
MRD.pptx MRD.pdf Macroscopic Quantum Tunnelling and Coherence: The Early Days
MSM19.pptx MSM19.pdf The quest for Majoran fermions
MZM.pdf MZM.pptx The Mean-Field Method in the Theory of Superconductivity: Is it Adequate for Quantum-Information Purposes?
NW.pptx NW.pdf Liquid Helium-3 and Its Metallic Cousins -- Exotic Pairing and Exotic Exitations
PlatosTimaeus.pdf PlatosTimaeus.ppt Plato's Timaeus
PP.pptx PP.pdf Why I Don't Believe that Quantum Mechanics is the Whole Truth
PSM.pdf Topological Quantum Computing in (p+ip) Fermi Superfluids and Strongium Ruthenate: Prospects and Problems
QCrypt.ppsx QCrypt.pptx The Structure of a "World" (Which May Be) Described by Quantum Mechanics
QDSN.pptx QDSN.pdf QDSN - Quantum Dissipation QDSN.ppt
QInf.pdf Quantum Information Promises New Insights
QM90.pdf QM90.pptx Realism Versus Quantum Mechanics: Implications of Some Recent Experiments
QMpop.ppt QMP2.ppt scans of pages put into a powerpoint document
RRIP.pptx RRIP.pdf The Serendipitous Road to a Nobel Prize
RT.pptx RT.pdf The EPR-Bell experts: if we don't like locality, what's left?(19 April, 2024)
S.pptx S.pdf Liquid Helium-3 and Its Metallic Cousins -- Exotic Pairing and Exotic Exitations
S2.pdf S2.ppt The Structure of a World Described by Quantum Mechanics
S2-13_Dec_2013pptx S2-13_Dec_2013.pdf The Structure of a World Described by Quantum Mechanics
SCCP.pdf SCCP.pptx The Berry Phase of a Bogoliubov Quasiparticle in an Abrikosov Vortex
SDS.pdf SDS.pptx The Berry Phase of a Bogoliubov Quasiparticle in an Abrikosov Vortex
SJTU_01_2017.pptx SJTU_01_2017.pdf
SJTU_02_2017.pptx SJTU_02_2017.pdf
SJTU_03_2017.pptx SJTU_03_2017.pdf
SJTU_04_2017.pptx SJTU_04_2017.pdf
SJTU_05_2017.pptx SJTU_05_2017.pdf
SJTU_06_2017.pptx SJTU_06_2017.pdf
SJTU_07_2017.pptx SJTU_07_2017.pdf
SJTU_08_2017.pptx SJTU_08_2017.pdf
SJTU_09_2017.pptx SJTU_09_2017.pdf
SJTU_10_2017.pptx SJTU_10_2017.pdf
SJTU_11_2017.pptx SJTU_11_2017.pdf
SJTU_12_2017.pptx SJTU_12_2017.pdf
SUT.pptx SUT.pdf What Exactly Do the "EPR-Bell" Experiments Tell Us About the World? (OR: Locality, "Realism" and All Than)(19 May, 2023)
T1.pptx T1.pdf T1 - On the Structure of a World (Which May Be) Described By Quantum Mechanics T1.ppt (older version of powerpoint)
TCSUH.pptx TCSUH.pdf The Physics of YBCO (and other high-temperature superconductors)
TD-1 pdf TD-1 pptx TD-Lecture1: Reminders Re BCS Theory
TD2 pdf TD-2 pptx TD-Lecture2-Superfluid-3-He
TQC.pdf Some Thoughts on the Prospects for Topological Quantum Computing
TQM.pptx TQM.pdf Remarks on the Present and Future of Condensed Matter Physics(18 May, 2023)
TQT.pptx; TQT.pdf On the Bogoliubov - de Gennes Equations
TTLS.pptx TTLS.pdf The "Tunnelling Two-Level Systems" Model of the Low-Temperature Properties of Glasses: Successes, Problems, Prospects
TM.pdf TM.pptx Topological Superconductivity
TWS.ppt Superfluid 3Theoretical work on Superconductivity Up to 1956
UCSC.pptx UCSC.pdf Quasiparticles in Normal and Superfluid Fermi Liquids
UM16.4.pdf UM16.4.pptx Realism Versus Quantum Mechanics: Implications of Recent Experiments
UIUC2016.pdf UIUC2016.pptx Realism Versus Quantum Mechanics: Implications of Some Experiments
UT.pptx UT.pdf The Mean-Field Method in the Theory of Superconductivity: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?
VGRC.ppt 2008
YAfest2012.pptx YAfest2012.pdf Macrorealism, Noninvasiveness and Weak Measurement
ZF.pptx ZF.pdf The London Moment of a Rotating Superconductor: Some Unsuspected Subtleties
ZF-MC.pptx ZF-MC.pdf The London Moment of a Rotating Superconductor: Some Unsuspected Subtleties
Fall 2018 Physics 598SC1 Physics 598SC2 -- (local copy)
Fall 2017 Physics 419 -- (local copy)
Fall 2016 Physics 598 PTD & 2 -- (local copy)
Fall 2015 Physics 598 SC handouts -- SC1 homepage -- SC2 homepage -- (local copy)
Fall 2014 Physics 419/420 -- (local copy)
Fall 2013 Physics 598 PTD -- (local copy)
Fall 2012 Physics 419/420 -- (local copy)
Fall 2011 Physics 598 SC1 & 2 - (local copy)
Fall 2010 Physics 419/420 -- (local copy)
Fall 2009 Physics 598 PTD -- (local copy)
Fall 2008 Physics 598 SC1 & 2 -- (local copy)
Fall 2007 Physics 419 -- (local copy)
Fall 2006 Physics 504 local copy
incomplete list of publications and talks